Designing and Maintaining Vehicle Graphics

While a moving advertisement will bring your business more attention in the marketplace, you don’t want to spend money on vehicle graphics that will not bring immediate and long range success to your business. Carefully consider the graphics and how they will be applied to your vehicles. Skipping the planning step would be a waste of your time and dollars. Check out the following tips to learn more about how to design and maintain effective vehicle graphics.

  1. The five second rule.  The primary purpose for using graphics is to cause your audience to pay attention to your vehicle. Most people who view vehicle graphics will give it no more than five seconds of attention. You will need to distract them from whatever else they were planning to do and cause them to look instead at you images and message. Scientific studies show that people are likely to look at the color red more than any other color, so carefully consider red in your design.
  2. Provide necessary information.  Because your vehicle will be moving, keep in mind that your audience will only briefly see your message in most cases. Make sure your graphics serve a good purpose, and you include pertinent information so that your audience has enough information about your company, such as the name, phone number, and line of business. It is not helpful if your audience remembers your logo but cannot find your company to contact you for potential business. Make sure your graphics enhance and reinforce your line of business for greater impact.
  3. Less is more.  Resist the urge to place a lot of information onto the space. Too many graphics or too much text can cause confusion and appear chaotic. Utilize the space you have to promote your company name, logo, contact information, and line of business.
  4. Keep it clean.  Because you are appealing to a diverse audience, remember that different people will be offended by different things. Avoid using graphics and language that may offend others.
  5. Routine vehicle washing.  Always make sure your vehicle looks clean and professional, making your business stand out and memorable. Most vehicle graphics can be cleaned using a mild car wash detergent and clean water, and followed up with air drying or a microfiber cloth. Be cautious about using mechanical brushes, pressure washing the vehicle, or harsh cleaning chemicals used in some care washes. Over time, these types of washing can degrade the face film causing the graphic to lose luster, fade, crack, and chip. For removing stubborn pollutants or debris, contact Star Bullets – Banners & Signs for special instructions.
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